Thursday, February 3, 2011

Group Counselling Sessions using Art from 13th to 15th December 2010

Venue: Kellys Girls Home 

 We conducted three consecutive days of group counselling sessions using Art for the children of kellys girls home . It was organized by World vision.Various art techniques were used as therapeutic tools.The tools applied are given below along with the objectives and a brief description of the activity.

Date- 13/12/2010
Objective- The goal was to create awareness  of what they feel at the moment.The children were asked to stick together their own choices of magazine cut outs that best described their feelings.
Tool-  Collage

 1) The goal was to help the children define their social atom
 2)The theme of a tree was used to bring clarity into their future aims and objectives and what was needed to achieve it.

Date- 15/12/2010
Objective- The main objective for the day was to help group members see that they could draw support from one another.
1) The theme of a garden was used to achieve the above objective
2) An interconnected map of the group was created, which was used to make them feel deeply connected to one another using drawing and collage.

The three day session using Art therapy was  successful in making each child feel more connected with oneself and the others around.

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