Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Creating collaborative art as therapy - Online | During COVID - 19 lockdown

Collaborative art making online - fun, connecting and just being!

This was a group art done online through Zoom in one of our classes in Expressive Arts Therapy Certificate course. 

This is an Online group art activity that was done in our Lockdown special workshop on Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy. The participants were asked to express in words or drawings, their experience in today's session. You can see how it evolved!

Online art therapy sessions and workshop on Expressive Arts Therapy | During COVID-19 Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic that led to the lockdown all around the world has put us all in a pause mode. People all over the world have been staying in their houses to help prevent the spread of the disease. We, at East West Center for Counselling and Training, took swift action and planned for ART THERAPY SESSIONS ONLINE in order to help people manage their emotions in this trying times. Our first session happened this Monday (06/04/2020) and we had participants coming from 8 different cities. The online art therapy sessions will happen every Monday till the lockdown is lifted.

We also planned and arranged a LOCKDOWN SPECIAL WORKSHOP on Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy for students and professionals who can make use of this time to learn a new therapy and gain knowledge. The workshop had participants from 11 different cities across the world!