The workshop on counselling children was conducted between 23rd and 26th feb, 2008. We had planned a small workshop for around 14 people. The participants came from organisations such as:
- Compassion India
- World Vision - India
- SAHAS, Mumbai
- SAGA health Education Services, Chennai
- CHES, Chennai
- IMH, Chennai
- Sanjeevi Trust
- Nalamdana, Chennai
- St Lukes leprosarium, Peikulam, Thoothukudi
- Reaching the Unreached-
- Olcott Memorial School- Chennai
We learnt some interesting ways of telling stories to children, helping children tell their stories, drawing, painting, using charcoal, interesting exercises and activities for children and using drama - role changing, role reversals, empty chair, planning a drama that tells a story etc.
The learning atmosphere was very informal. We discussed our child clients and different approaches we could use when we get back to our work.