Sunday, June 21, 2009

Defining our Counselling work

  • Counselling one on one for
  1. Enriching your marriage
  2. Planning on separation, divorce
  3. Enhancing your potential at work, family relationships etc
  4. Assessments for children
  5. Planning remedial lessons for children with learning disabiities
  6. Confusion regarding sexual orientations/ gender identities
  • Center for Counselling also runs group therapy at our office:
  1. Groups for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, transgendered communities (Tamil as well as English groups)
  2. Support groups for Parents, siblings, friends and other family members of the LGBT community (bilingual)
  3. Support groups for those who are recovering from depression or other mental illnesses
  4. Support groups for family members of those who have terminal illnesses - Cancer, HIV/AIDS, mental illnesses etc.
Contact us for details, and if you wish to fix an appointment or register for any of our groups

+91 - 9884100135